AirDoctor Pro


What is CADR?

When shopping for air purifiers, you may have come across the acronym, CADR. But what[...]

Summer and AC Usage: How Do They Affect Air Quality?

Summer is officially here, but for many across the country, summer has been here. Excessive[...]

Indoor Plants and their Effect on Air Quality

Transforming your home into a lush, green oasis does more than provide an aesthetically pleasing[...]

Traffic Jams and Effect on Cognitive Health

We don’t have to tell you how getting stuck in traffic can be bad for[...]

Air Quality Over the Years

It’s all around us, but do you ever take the time to think about the[...]

Grass Pollen Season: What to Know and How to Protect Yourself from It

If you’re reading this with teary eyes or have to constantly pause to sneeze, it[...]

What is HEPA?

We’re constantly inundated with buzzwords. Those like “natural,” “eco-friendly,” and even “HEPA” often make the[...]

Working from Home: Why Air Quality is Important

Working remotely and from home has become the new norm for many! While it may[...]

Mental Health Awareness Month: 6 Ways to Support Mental Wellbeing

Millions of Americans are living with a mental illness. During the month of May, leading[...]